Why the gentle approach gets results
Whole-body vibration machines are a common site at gyms across the country. The vigorous vibrations can stimulate the growth of muscles. While effective for those who are fit and strong, WBV machines can be seriously damaging to those with bone conditions like osteoporosis.
Low Intensity Vibration provides a precise, low acceleration, low level vibration (0.4g) which is transmitted at a high frequency (30Hz) to the person standing on the device. This type of vibration mimics the small high frequency contractions exerted by muscles onto the bone. It is safe to use at home and provides a suitable therapy for the elderly and frail or people recovering from illness or injury.
How is LiV different to WBV?
Whole body vibration exerts a high acceleration, high level vibration of well over 1g. WBV carries a high potential risk, has many contraindications and is best for people who are fit, active and healthy and can tolerate extreme forces and accelerations. These WBV signals are well beyond that considered safe by OSHA or ISO.
LiV is medically approved as a treatment for certain conditions and is safe to use at home. It’s proven to be effective for users of any age – from children to those aged over 100.
WBV carries a high potential risk, has many contraindications and is best for people who are fit, active and healthy and can tolerate extreme forces and accelerations. These WBV signals are well beyond that considered safe by OSHA or ISO.
Human tolerance limits for vibration
The low intensity vibration signal provided by Marodyne LiV is categorised as safe by the International Safety Organisation for daily use at a threshold level of up to 4 hours in relation to the human vibration tolerance.

The above graph is from ISO 2631 Mechanical vibration and shock – evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration, and highlights the potential dangers of WBV when compared to the gentle and safe LiV.
Vibration Fact Sheet
Find out more about vibration therapy and osteoporosis, download a copy of the Vibration Fact Sheet.